Monday, February 7, 2011

Zombie Brain Washing, Don't Fall Victim

Zombies are NOT ok and do not dance and sing and play for your pleasure.

They will KILL YOU, EAT YOU and INFECT YOU to become part of the living dead.

I will say that brain washing is slightly better then having your brain or other body parts eaten by a zombie but don't fall for it. Corporate America, the Governement and maybe even Mad Scientist and Voodoo Doctors want us to believe that zombies are ok. They want us to believe that zombies can be our neighbors, our best friends or our entertainment but we must be vigiliant in remembering that the living or walking dead, depending on how we will refer to them are dangerous creatures.

We should take these moments in media attention to analyze and decipher the data that is being presented to us. A) who is providing this message, why is it important to them to provide that message to us and what are they hiding and B)study the moments, actions and habits of the zombie enemy.

As previously discussed in Zombie Apocalypse: The Next Great Extinction we have to realize that as a species our superiorty has not gone unchallenged by another other species on the planet. Only the planet itself has caused natural disorder to our "superior lives" and the rise of zombies would be the next great threat to mankind in the form of a subspecies almost, if we could call them that.

The one thing that we should remember in the time of the zombie crisis is Friends Don't Let Friends Become Zombies and remember you can pick up your own print of this at Sushtique by following the embedded hyperlink.

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